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DIY Wooden Canvas Wall Art

This was originally posted on my Simply DIY Tumblr blog. I made this in 2015 when I was looking for ways to decorate my room. The canvases from were just lying around the house, so I decided to use them to make something. I searched the internet for pictures that I could use, and eventually chose the three that you see above. It is fairly simple to make:

What You need:

  • Paper

  • Pencil (Or any other drawing supplies that you want to use)

  • Pictures that you want to display

  • Double sided tape / Glue

  • Wooden Canvas

What to do:

  1. Cut the paper to fit to the size of the canvas.

  2. Find the pictures that you want to draw on your canvas. The phoenix, tree and fairy pictures I used were found online.

  3. Draw theses pictures onto paper. I decided to do my drawings in pencil. You could use whatever you want to draw and decorate your pictures. If you are not confident in your drawing skills, you could trace the picture or use any pictures that you would like to display on your canvas. Just make sure that you cut them so that they fit to the size of the canvas.

  4. Stick the paper to the canvas using double sided tape. You could use glue to do this. However, do note that depending on the type of glue or paper you use, it could cause the paper to become soggy and ultimately damage your drawing.

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